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How do I create my artwork

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

One of the most common questions that I asked to be an artist, and one of the most difficult to answer: "How do you manage your artwork?" O variations. I'm not saying that I packed with horror at the thought of the question, or answer really, but I did not answer frivolous "I cut and paste some pictures together to resist". This can not be won without friends, and some think that everything is there, the art of collage anyway.

At the other endspectrum, look no scenario, imagine the pictures are carefully selected for their combination of deeper meaning. I put it in different places somewhere between the two, and as a method usually depends on what or who the artwork is created.

The most interesting of the two is where I was for a particular topic or piece is an editor or I have given a clear idea in mind in order. In this case, I just get the pictures I need, even if it is notalways as easy as it seems, some sources just do not want to be found and removed a piece of it, change your card digital collage.

Even more mysterious (to me) is like working to create a whim. My method is that through my books and magazines of the starting material and let the ideas come from, how can I leave to go take pictures of art works, and what the picture is on my side on the air, is a cross between free-form jazz and tarot cards.

Most of myArt is created in this way, as a kind of visual jam session with what I like the TV time (usually have a documentary or a DVD preferred).

We all have our methods and atmosphere that we feel are crucial to what we are creating the stereotype of the artist asking for things they need so easy, is still very far from the truth, but an atmosphere, and I think the idea of right is really the key for a process that almost indefinable, because he does not know whereit comes from, and with more of a community with pictures instead of words.

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Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 24, 2010 at 5:00 pm

Posted in Michael-Jackson Articles

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