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Copy write better watching a lizard

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Real Life curiosity

Well I'm using the bearded dragon, a powerful copywriting technique that most do not even know, to writers. If you're wondering what the hell is a bearded dragon lizard is a type of popular pet. And yes … The idea is to learn a bit 'of copywriting.

Each owner of one of those strange creatures have a thorough knowledge of specific behaviors and habits. For example, the bearded dragon flattens, if you feelthreatened, but Bob is the head or waves her arms during the mating season. Moreover, once a certain color pea green, as if they are sick.

These are all things, the bearded dragon owners know to be true, and also assume that they know these things. But you know how a person who has no real experience with bearded dragons identified.

Ok, what does a head-bobbing lizards have to do with the lyrics?

The answer is in the details. If aWriter puts a piece of literature to write only armed with the facts (even if the problem is comprehensive and complete), have a copywriter is not enough information to work with.

Not to copy a powerful piece, though.

Bob talking about bearded dragons, you need to know "about it. You need to listen to Bob talk about his lizard. What is the vocab that is used when talking about? What I want to concentrate on a conversation on his bearded dragon ? If I had to get upnow facing a class and talk about bearded dragons, and you sound like Bob differently? If you can identify the difference, take it and rooted in your version, will capture your audience immediately and at any time.

What should I do?

Anyone can say, "bearded dragon bobs his head and waving his arms during the breeding season, but maybe (and I'm just inventing) where these lizards to this, it does look like Michael Jackson Moonwalk das.And suppose that, among the aficionados bearded dragon, "Moon Walking" is the common name to describe this action. A normal person (or words) would simply tell them, "Bob your head and waving his arms," but said the owner of a bearded dragon lizard would be their "moon walks."

So what do we do?

We have developed an important relationship with our audience. She really knows. We know what we are talking about when it comes to talking about these lizards. The copy is less rigid, less sales-y,and authentic.

If I am a vet prospective new clients and I are so indifferent is, I'm positioning myself as not only a good veterinarian, but a good veterinarian who has experience with lizards. Moreover, the integration of these pieces is much more effective than flat out and said: "I lived with lizards.

When I own a pet shop and I am with these delicacies, I am the ad, as a family, I am with the animals I have for sale. I sell real animals in motion, not real, mobileInventory.

If I live the manufacturer of tanks that the lizard is in bin is clear that I do not sell, tanks, sell "homes" for the creatures that know and those who want to sell them "homes" for the new member of their family, not only ships capable of holding a lizard.

If curiosity of real life are woven into your copy of bearded dragons, your readers can see the little boy nodded his head and swinging his arms. You will see that "something" strange creature made popularYou as the person who just sold "lizard".

And that my friend, is how to make a sale!

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

June 8, 2010 at 6:00 am

How to get skinny legs fast? Tips for thin legs and fast Shapely

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

First, thin legs is the dream of every girl. If the envy of models with thin legs, it's time for you to have them! The possibilities are so attractive thin narrow legs are quite simple. Start burning more calories you consume each day. Hold on count what you eat. Try to avoid foods rich in calories as fast food, fatty fried foods, sweets and simple carbohydrates. Substitute instead of fresh organic vegetables and fruits. The drastic changes in dietDecrease the daily calorie intake in order to be deposited in your body less calories than fat. A combination of diet with body work, most burn fat faster than you think. The main keyword is to do it correctly. And the next cue – would persist.

If you do not see improvements in a few days do not give up. In fact, you make this habit or lifestyle. Normally when you change your diet and exercise habit is suddenly asharp decrease in the weights. But when the body adapts to physical activity you do each day to lose a pound heavier than the pound before it seems. Always try to be patient! Ask someone for the same purpose, to train with you and motivate each other to share! It's more fun to be involved and not give up that easily, if you have a partner to have. If you have a partner, you could also share tips for exercising and spur each other.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

June 6, 2010 at 9:00 am

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tarot meanings – suits

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The act of divination is something that has been around for a very long time. has some wonderfully talented people predict the future since around the fourteenth century. There are many ways to say someone's activities if it is to read the palm of your hand, looks into a ball, or reading tarot cards. Tarot can be said in particular the approach complex and specific to a person's future. One might think that the Tarot cards are just a bunch of cards with cartoonSigns on them, not unlike a game of cards, but the fact is that Tarot cards are a lot more. Each card has a significance all the way from the major arcana cards of the minor arcana cards. The suits of the Tarot cards are not the same as regular cards. This article is based on the meanings of tarot cards for each of four colors to explain.

Just as in a normal deck of Tarot cards have four suits. Each of the four color has a meaning and, therefore, each card has twodifferent meanings, one for normal display and reverse of the map. The first suit is Wands and this symbolizes growth and energy in general, among others. Each tab can have different meanings depending on the card of the Tarot, in which upwards. The Six of Wands can mean, for example, is good news or bad news if they are high when the opposite. Instead of the female in a normal deck of tarot card deck, the knight. The Knights of the bars may mean that you are a jealous person or a good friend!In general, the mast is in turn the map as the message they want to hear. Another suit is Cups, which are very interesting because of their connection with love and fertility of a person. A good example is the two cups, which means love gone awry, or a new romance blossoms, which can change a person's life can be tight.

The third suit is Swords, often of an aggressive person, not to say bad luck or courage. The suit of Swords is one that covers a wide range ofEmotions. Unlike previous suits, both meanings of the Tarot can go wrong for the person. The five swords up can mean the loss of a person or their cruelty to others, and page down may mean that to suffer injustice, something in their life. The Queen of Swords can mean you're a person, one who deals with pain and it may mean someone who has passed one or tragedy, or the back or closed-mindedness you can assume is fraudulentothers. Coins last dress, which is in a different color, which is the meaning of the Tarot card of great interest to most. That is, because it is a person's financial future. Three of the coins is one that reflects badly on a person's ability and success in the labor market. When it became could say that will be rewarded for their skills and have great success, while if it is on there to tell them that they could have on the good work take care not to be ignoredwas.

Tarot, different meanings depending on who reads the papers, but in most cases, these examples of how you are viewed. This is why many readers of tarot cards are nervous about the turn of the card. You do not know what the card is opened and the only direction the way a person views their future development path. Some may like the Ten coins, which means a good and stable family, or you can have the loss or the fear of family breakdowndepending on the direction of the board. If you read it right, the Tarot cards are very important for a person and their attitude towards life. If you are considering tells your future through tarot cards, fear not for clothes for their research. This will help you better prepare for your reading possible.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 27, 2010 at 1:00 pm

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How do I create my artwork

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

One of the most common questions that I asked to be an artist, and one of the most difficult to answer: "How do you manage your artwork?" O variations. I'm not saying that I packed with horror at the thought of the question, or answer really, but I did not answer frivolous "I cut and paste some pictures together to resist". This can not be won without friends, and some think that everything is there, the art of collage anyway.

At the other endspectrum, look no scenario, imagine the pictures are carefully selected for their combination of deeper meaning. I put it in different places somewhere between the two, and as a method usually depends on what or who the artwork is created.

The most interesting of the two is where I was for a particular topic or piece is an editor or I have given a clear idea in mind in order. In this case, I just get the pictures I need, even if it is notalways as easy as it seems, some sources just do not want to be found and removed a piece of it, change your card digital collage.

Even more mysterious (to me) is like working to create a whim. My method is that through my books and magazines of the starting material and let the ideas come from, how can I leave to go take pictures of art works, and what the picture is on my side on the air, is a cross between free-form jazz and tarot cards.

Most of myArt is created in this way, as a kind of visual jam session with what I like the TV time (usually have a documentary or a DVD preferred).

We all have our methods and atmosphere that we feel are crucial to what we are creating the stereotype of the artist asking for things they need so easy, is still very far from the truth, but an atmosphere, and I think the idea of right is really the key for a process that almost indefinable, because he does not know whereit comes from, and with more of a community with pictures instead of words.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 24, 2010 at 5:00 pm

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The phenomenon Michael Jackson

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

The death of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, last week we rocked to do so in a way that few things. Perhaps because he was so young when he died? At age 50, was not old, but many millions of people around the world can not live half years. Very few of us actually knew him, was that he was a friend or someone who knows us personally. However, he was a presence in most of our lives. Alicia Keyes, a noted recording artist cansaid it best when he said that the music of Michael Jackson was "the" music of our memories, the music of our dreams. So many of us grew up that music. I contact them with specific times in our life journeys. This is a part of us. For this reason, when we learned of his death last week had a particularly profound impact on us.

Much has been written and so far last week about the phenomenon that is Michael Jackson. It 's a story of triumph and tragedy. A reportcalled the ultimate American dream with the essence of Greek tragedy coupled. And so it was. How can someone so talented erode into a caricature of himself that was turned into a bizarre entity, one whose behavior has raised eyebrows not only, but also involved in police investigations. How sad that someone so admired and envied somehow seemed to sense that needed changing his appearance and personality.

Of course, not mean that hewas not good enough. It was very good. We loved the little boy who delights us with his brilliance at the age of eleven when he began to appear nationwide. We loved him as a young man, when his body with such precision and rhythmic power that we have left completely fascinated and hypnotized been moved. We loved the incredible voice, that our son did not matter if we were black or white board. We loved the edgy, dynamic thriller music so much that we did the numberbest-selling album of all time.

have caused the events of last week, people think you remember. Some said they remember where they were when the news of Michael's death the same way you remember where they were when they learned of the death of President John F. Kennedy or Elvis Presley learned.

We may never know all the demons that lived in the psyche of Michael and struggles he dealt with along with his incredible fame and fortune, butenriches the lives of millions and millions of us through his music unique and for this we thank you, Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 16, 2010 at 11:00 pm

The memorabilia of Michael Jackson # 1 1958-1978

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Image : http://www.flickr.com


29th August

Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana



The Jackson 5's first single "I Want You Back" from the Motown record was released and sold two million copies within six weeks.

December quarter

The Jackson 5 was released in the U.S. well for the program's television host Ed Sullivan '.

18th December

The first album, "Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5 released, and finally appeared on 5.



In four of The Jackson 5 singles boarded the singles chart, "I Want You Back" was the first shot of the tip.

25th April

ABC board first, and sold 2 million in three weeks.

8th May

The Jackson 5 years second album, "ABC" was published.

19th May

The Jackson 5, the first concert was held in Los Angeles Plaza. The crowd was 18,000, a total income of $ 100,000.

27th June

"The Love You Save" on top edge.

15th September

The Jackson 5"'Third Album" was released.

October Ninth

The Jackson 5 began its first national tour.

17th October

"I'll Be There" boarded first, the Jackson 5 and groups who had the first four albums in a row, but I was the point.


18th April

The Jackson 5 are special program's first solo Diana Ross.


The Jackson 5 began its second tour. "The Commodores", made an opening for the exhibition The Jackson 5


The Jackson 5 "Goin 'Back to Indiana" was published.

September 11

The 5 series of cartoons aired on ABC Jackson.

19th September

"Goin 'Back To Indiana" aired the first TV series of them was broadcast live on ABC.

Seventh October

Michael Jackson single staff, "Got To Be There was released first." At that time, he was, and the Jackson 5 eighth scored the first 40 list, including four consecutive individualChampion.


18th January

The Jackson 5 attended the first annual Martin Luther King Memorial concert in Atlanta.

24th January

Michael Jackson 's solo album "Got To Be There was released first."

Fourth August

'S album by Michael Jackson "Ben" was published.

Fifth August

The single "Ben" on top edge, and was the first individual champion Michael individuals.


invited the first European tour, who had Jackson 5play for the Queen.


April 13

Michael Jackson's album "Music & Me" was released.

Ebaydigg Movies Loves Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 13, 2010 at 5:00 pm

How do camouflage patterns

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

Camouflage patterns are recognized for concealing solders and their equipment before the enemy uses that seem part of the natural environment around them. This type of concealment is also used by duck hunters. To what extent can disguise will be limited only by your imagination. Elements for this purpose, but those that stand out are used for makeup, leaving some fabrics are dyed in shades of green,brown, black, brown form so that the user is no longer the environment.

Various camouflage patterns are dependent seasonal changes and used the soil type. Standard colors are blue camouflage, regular, deserts and forests. From these basic colors you can come with desert sand, forest green, light green, white, yellow earth in other colors. The colors should always be followed are elected by the base color through the lights. AreaAlways determine which type of patterns and colors.

We can make Custom Boat Camouflage Designs, Custom Gun Camouflage, blinds, golf carts Camouflage, Camouflage Car, accents, auto rims, ATV and more. Painting to paint camouflage patterns, like any other type of painting is a good clean surface to provide a superior finish. First clean the surface with plain soap and warm water, then get rid of fat solvents are solvent impuritiesSurface. This is to ensure that the primer based on a clean. Finally, you select the right camouflage with camouflage paint in different colors to fill the template.

You will always find difficult to paint camouflage color patterns, but these basic steps should help you find your way out. Determine the type of model. Choose colors. To develop a model for the project. Paint to improve the structure and ultimately the design. I should have told me before the draft do notI do today!

Ebaydigg Movies Loves Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 12, 2010 at 11:00 pm

The Michael Jackson Comeback

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

Rumors of Tours, new CDs, and reality shows with Michael Jackson — all – in abundance. What is the truth?

It 's a good bet that no one, but Jackson knows what the specific characteristics of projects that loves what he set out for the next versions of theatrical or musical programs. Jackson insider said floating process "is a cartoon on the various projects Jackson method often used to test the waters of public acceptance. Maybe.

All that is now known, isthat a variety of musicians – from me, I by the Black Eyed Peas to the extraordinary pianist John Legend – claimed that it had with Jackson on the music you expect that he will soon release worked. But these statements have a clue what's coming? Probably not – A variety of artists, including several reported experiences of working with Jackson on a single benefit Katrina survivors – and that is not yet finished.

We also know that Jackson has apparently gone out of their familyWay in recent months – for nearly Jackson emerged from his self-imposed exile in Bahrain – the knowledge of his musical and examining an application for family reunification Jackson show. Are the statements contained in this notice? Again, probably not. be taken almost as fast as many of these statements, Jackson's publicist denies it. Other declarations are suspended in air, their own trial balloons.

It 'clear that the fan base of Jackson seems stronger than ever. Consider the shiftof fans in Japan – many in the Western world – who spend £ 1,721 (U.S. $ 3,400) paid to 30 seconds with him. Turn your attention to the dozens of tables Jackson fans that a hurricane off the comments, every time a new item is in circulation. Laws deal with music industry heavyweights who are independent from Jackson – Chuck D. Public Enemy speaks Amerie – devoutly that the King of Pop and excited about his next musical project.

Rocky against Jackson is a powerful component thatLittle Drummer Boy, who has lost his way, the prince who holds her head high, despite the shame of public humiliation. In a sense, the expectations for the success of Jackson have never been higher. No wonder Jackson is apparently at the time of publication of his new music.

Volume was about Jackson's musical achievements that should be considered the sole or at least very few have been written. Just as the magician, which he so admired the music of Jackson has a variety of music and cinemamagic tricks that surprise and delight of his audience.

But like most magicians, Jackson help. His past musical success has also announced a series of heavy people – Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie involved immediately to mind.

Many are worried that from now, Jackson seems to be. Yes, there are others on the metaphorical stage, but they are wizards and own their actions. Some fear that the result will bea mix of tones – without a clear signature of Jackson. It would be a sin. If there is one thing that Jackson delivered – every time – it sounds clear.

But while rumors abound, it is important to remember that Jackson has faced such challenges. Harkening back to his childhood, Jackson was against his father and brothers, he wanted to impose certain styles. His view prevailed, and to record their success.

The bottom line isthat the truth probably will not test items and balloons floating around. The truth is that Jackson is an outstanding career over 40 years with barely a misstep because music was running the show. Fans are better advised to keep their patience a bit 'longer, and see that the magician pulls out of the hat creative. My guess – to be his most amazing ever.

Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 9, 2010 at 10:00 am

How to write a song

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

Have you ever wished that your song was played on the radio? Could be. Not so difficult if you know the formula. follow with a little creativity, a bit 'of knowledge, a little' luck and a good formula, your song could be one of the greatest successes later.

Writing songs is easy for some, and it is very difficult for others. I actually wrote songs in his sleep, and immediately after awakening, wrote faster than I could get the words on paper.

What I wantdiscuss here is popular songs like the songs you hear on the radio. A good pop song, no matter whether rock, country, middle of the road, one of two things: a catchy melody and some good song.

There is a formula that most great songwriters use to write great songs. It 'used in the structure of writing a song. Sure, it's music, and art, the rules are not hard and fast. But if you can boost your song on the radio, is a good starting pointPoint.

Here's the formula. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus.

Write that on paper make a lot of space between each word and this will be your script.


The verse is part of the song that tells the story, the part leading to the choir. Each verse is usually different, said another party, or by clicking on the story. In general, explains how the things you have to sing in the choir.


The choir isPart of the song that repeats after each verse. The texts are mostly the same every time the chorus comes around. The verse usually leads to the chorus and the chorus is usually paid to listen to the verses. Does it make sense?

Here's an example of blades (not think I'd take my best work, right?)


My dog is sick, got a mint

It's my best friend, do not let the end


Oh, alas, can not you see

Alas,I will never be free


My car has broken down just outside the city

It 'was towed in, but it is broken again


Oh, alas, can not you see

Woe to me, will I ever be free

Well, if you could could stop laughing at my lame song for a minute, I would like to question, what if you did not understand my point. Songwriting is storytelling. The verse tells the problems, the chorus expresses the results or the emotions.

Well, now that you knowmastery, approach the bridge. Ah, yes, there is the song that the pain and release. We need variety. This is what the bridge is the deviation from the verse and the chorus.

The bridge is a slightly different melody, or could even be a different rhythm or a different time (Elvis' "Suspicious Minds" is a great job on this technique).

We return to the lame and the songs add a bridge:


My dog is sick, got aTick

It's my best friend, do not let the end


Oh, alas, can not you see

Woe to me, will I ever be free


My car has broken down just outside the city

It 'was towed in, but it is broken again


Oh, alas, can not you see

Woe to me, will I ever be free


Tomorrow is a better day, I got a new truck on the road

My dog just had a flea it seems, I live my dreams again


OWoe to me was you can not see

Woe is me, but now I'm free

The bridge offers a solution to the problems I had. You do not want to leave your audience on the edge of suicide, you want to give them hope.

Note, I also changed the wording of the chorus. This was done to reflect my newfound joy.

One more thing on formula. However you may want, but most verses and chorus come in 4 lines So instead of this:


Oh, alas, can not besee

Woe to me, will I ever be free


My car has broken down just outside the city

It 'was towed in, but it is broken again

Would be:

Oh, alas, can not you see

Woe to me, will I ever be free

My car has broken down just outside the city

It 'was towed in, but it is broken again

The same applies to the choir. Also, if you are creative as you want. But for a new songwriter, this gives you some guidelines to start from scratch and carvingYour new creation.

One thing not the notes of the melody so high that your fans do not sing together. We are certainly not all of Stevie Wonder.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 8, 2010 at 3:00 am

Bookmark Designs

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

Create bookmarks are easy to make and a fun and crafty project that you are dealing with friends and children. The easiest and most efficient is to create bookmarks to use a bookmark template. So you may not have to spend too much time in the design phase. Bookmark designs vary and are available in so many different themes and sizes.

First we want to determine which research design. There are various themes such as children and young people, landscapes and outdoor water-scape, Christian / faith-based, simple, abstract and contemporary! Therefore, we recommend drawing on what is appropriate for the occasion, you will create the basis for selecting Bookmarks. If the birthday of her child, then you'll want to bookmark designs to come up with this particular problem.

Once you've decided you can do yourself by following a site that offers templates Bookmark with that particular theme you have in mind. Models are available in 4 or 5 on a sheetNotepaper. You are in Microsoft Word, Publisher, or MAC Apple iWork Pages, the process of all good, the template files are provided. You only need the information on your own bookmarks and add a photo to customize upon request.

You can then print on your printer or take it to an office supply store nearby. After printing the design you like, you must cut individually. Each lamination finish with a satin bookmark and thenTape the top for a professional look. Now I'm ready! Simple, fast and inexpensive to do.

Ebaydigg Movies Loves Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

May 6, 2010 at 10:00 pm

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