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The Beast – The Lord of the Flies

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While the novel Lord of the Flies are the guys on the island again and again faced with various fears. However, there is nothing on the island, the beast they fear more than before. In Lord of the Flies, the theme of animals is very important. The animal represents the type of convincing people like you who seems to be no harm in it by someone or something to cause harm to try. There are many examples of evidence to support this entirethe book, but it is necessary first to trace the birth of the beast and the bad boys.

Speaking of a threatening presence built on the first day on the island where a young boy with a mulberry-colored like the face, all informed by a "creature" who apparently saw the night before. At that time this was dismissed by the older boys, as his imagination, but even at this early stage it became clear that younger children have been disturbed by childrenWords. And 'necessary at this point that there is the physical aspect specific to the animal because it was assumed, when the fertile imagination of young children are forced to work. At the same time, it is obvious that Golding uses the first chapters of the book, to create the conditions for chaos and terror of an animal, which follows. It was soon revealed that even the older boys had begun to whether it is actually a sort of wonder of the animals that inhabit the island. E 'also clear that nowilling to admit it, but the fact that many guys cry in my sleep, or have had terrible nightmares, is further proof that all the fears of an animal.

The first signs of evil, which seemed from the inside, like Jack and his hunters, a pig, and re-staging the killing shot. In the course of people were injured, and the song, which had become a ritual that began at that time. Although Jack's ambition was satisfied to kill a pig, now had a taste of glory and the sense ofSelf-realization, which has brought him. This meant that at all satisfied, a pig was killed, but to do so. And 'is significant that Jack has found it necessary to kill the pigs to see that there is already an abundant source of food on the island. It 'possible that Jack just wanted to kill the pigs, because the evil had begun in him, come and explain his desire to kill. Another significant event occurred at this point – of open violence among young people. WhenJack was in front of Piggy and Ralph, as he left the fire, and a boat came by, he lashed out at Piggy, that he apparently despised, and broke his glasses. To some extent, also shows how the evil was in the beginning of Jack to take control over it.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 28, 2010 at 5:00 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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