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Archive for March 2010

Michael Jackson Ghosts Full Version Hi-Def Part 1 / 4

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Michael Jackson "Ghost", the 1997 movie Enjoy the movie and if you want if the modified version that I made, visit my channel. For the remaining parts of the film to watch: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com Part 2: http://www.youtube.com Part 3: http://www.youtube.com Part 4: http://www.youtube.com


Ebaydigg Movies Loves Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 31, 2010 at 9:00 am

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Antique books – have your precious?

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

The value of antique books (also known as "old books") is unlike any other ancient, in a sense – as something that is worth a lot depends on how much one is willing to pay for it. You have to look at things like the request of a book, you should be on, and how rare. Here you will find some useful information to help you determine what, if your good will of antiquarian material, or as something special, you can.

You were oneFlea market, a real estate sale or auction, and have made the Mother Lode. Boxing very old books, which are obviously antiques. As so old, that must be worth something, right? Even if the collection of old books can be very profitable, the truth is that just because a book is old does not mean that it is valuable.

Relatively few books are actually still in demand, regardless of their age. There are many books that have been published, not even a question, ifnew. We read all the books that we, as useless, why are either poorly written or edited, or because they are not really very interesting. Well, this is the same thing is true for books. For a very old book is still in question, as it usually has something special to begin to treat to have.

Just beginning to open an ancient book and reading. What's inside the pages? It is an interesting topic or a story, or it can be written by an author who had some historicalMeaning? Books in common, unknown authors in common, non-interest are literally a dime a dozen. So, just because a book is old does not mean that it is valuable.

But aside from the author and the subject of a book, you may have some physical characteristics that a book that would enhance its value as an ancient book. If the book is an extraordinarily beautiful skin? Leather bindings are usually more in demand as a cloth or paper associations in general. Andeven when an author or illustrator illustrations is not known whether a book is of exceptional beauty, you can easily recover more money than a collector's item. But if a book has all the characteristics listed above, and is also an important writer, then you have certainly found in the antiquarian book world.

Many people have some dusty old books that continue to hang around, because they believe that books can be a value. Understand the qualities that a book valuable,and you get an idea if the books that have been hanging on it is worth stopping.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 31, 2010 at 4:00 am

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Michael Jackson : This Is It Blu-ray DVD & Poster LIMITED EDITION SET

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Michael Jackson : This Is It Blu-ray DVD & Poster LIMITED EDITION SET Review

Michael Jackson : This Is It Blu-ray DVD & Poster LIMITED EDITION SET Overview

Relive the magic of Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT on Blu-RayTM along with an 11″x17″ (approx. 28cm x 43cm) movie poster.Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place in London’s O2 Arena. THIS IS IT captures the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, creative genius and great artist at work as he creates and perfects his final show.Disc is encoded for playback in the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico only. Please be sure your equipment is capable of playing discs with Region 1 encoding

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 29, 2010 14:00:12

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 29, 2010 at 7:00 pm

The Beast – The Lord of the Flies

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

While the novel Lord of the Flies are the guys on the island again and again faced with various fears. However, there is nothing on the island, the beast they fear more than before. In Lord of the Flies, the theme of animals is very important. The animal represents the type of convincing people like you who seems to be no harm in it by someone or something to cause harm to try. There are many examples of evidence to support this entirethe book, but it is necessary first to trace the birth of the beast and the bad boys.

Speaking of a threatening presence built on the first day on the island where a young boy with a mulberry-colored like the face, all informed by a "creature" who apparently saw the night before. At that time this was dismissed by the older boys, as his imagination, but even at this early stage it became clear that younger children have been disturbed by childrenWords. And 'necessary at this point that there is the physical aspect specific to the animal because it was assumed, when the fertile imagination of young children are forced to work. At the same time, it is obvious that Golding uses the first chapters of the book, to create the conditions for chaos and terror of an animal, which follows. It was soon revealed that even the older boys had begun to whether it is actually a sort of wonder of the animals that inhabit the island. E 'also clear that nowilling to admit it, but the fact that many guys cry in my sleep, or have had terrible nightmares, is further proof that all the fears of an animal.

The first signs of evil, which seemed from the inside, like Jack and his hunters, a pig, and re-staging the killing shot. In the course of people were injured, and the song, which had become a ritual that began at that time. Although Jack's ambition was satisfied to kill a pig, now had a taste of glory and the sense ofSelf-realization, which has brought him. This meant that at all satisfied, a pig was killed, but to do so. And 'is significant that Jack has found it necessary to kill the pigs to see that there is already an abundant source of food on the island. It 'possible that Jack just wanted to kill the pigs, because the evil had begun in him, come and explain his desire to kill. Another significant event occurred at this point – of open violence among young people. WhenJack was in front of Piggy and Ralph, as he left the fire, and a boat came by, he lashed out at Piggy, that he apparently despised, and broke his glasses. To some extent, also shows how the evil was in the beginning of Jack to take control over it.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 28, 2010 at 5:00 pm

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Double Your Dating – A Look at David DeAngelo's Dating Advice

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David DeAngelo Double Your Dating "ebook has assumed many of the Bible, when it comes to kids of course materials and attract women. Along with" The Mystery Method "books and" The Art of War for Dating "by Spencer Michaels' The Game "by Neil Strauss's book DeAngelo will surely go down in history, by David as a true pioneer in the field.

Double your Dating focuses a lot on the concept of "arrogant fun." The theory is that you have a heritageThe trust boundary exuberance mixed with enough humor to sell it. DeAngelo techniques have been used by kids from around the world. I remember reading The double dating back years, and thought, "Wow, this stuff is great."

Dave emphasizes the idea, not as a dismissal "wussy" and not all women have the power in a relationship. Speaks in bold with a strong frame and situations. On his site you can read, according to the testimonies of the boyswent from "average Frustrated Chumps to be" confident women. If you learn to respect women hot to give him a book to read.

Double You Dating shows that, basically, get to a certain courage, be strong and get in touch with your masculinity. David explains that there is not much space of just a nice guy. Like David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating Double Your Dating is really Program Life? You bet. If you have not checked it out yet, it is necessary.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 28, 2010 at 11:00 am

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Michael Jackson – History on Film, Vol. 2

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Michael Jackson – History on Film, Vol. 2 Review

I’m going to be honest. I got this video for one reason and one reason only. Although I can view it online, I HAD to have the EPIC Scream video so I could view it on my television. It is amazing quality, too. There are other favorites of mine on this video as well which is the best video or short film as Michael preferred to call them and that’s Thriller. You will also get the video that skyrocketed Michael’s career to another galaxy and that’s the Billie Jean performance at the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today and Forever anniversary. The performance that the late legendary Fred Astaire who happened to be one of Michael’s idols next to James Brown. It was also the performance that was enjoyed immensely by the late Marvin Gaye. This is a must have for every Michael Jackson film.

Michael Jackson – History on Film, Vol. 2 Feature

  • Disc 1    , Program Start (Stereo) ( 0:09 ) , TEASER ( 3:57 ) , Billie Jean (From Motown 25: Yesterday, Today and Forever) ( 5:04 ) , BEAT IT (Video) ( 5:06 ) , LIBERIAN GIRL ( 5:42 ) , SMOOTH CRIMINAL ( 9:35 ) , 1995 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS PERFORMANCE (Stereo) ( 15:24 ) , Thriller ( 14:01 )Disc 2    , SCREAM (Stereo) ( 4:57 ) , CHILDHOOD (THEME FROM “FREE WILLY 2”)

Michael Jackson – History on Film, Vol. 2 Overview

Movie DVD

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 27, 2010 15:00:15

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 27, 2010 at 8:00 pm

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The 13 best horror films for Halloween

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

It is not easy for a horror film, which is not limited to sudden loud noises or Gore to surprise the audience – to create, perhaps because so few mediocre films in the horror genre growth above. A film like Carrie has some great scenes, but the mood is ruined by the changes of tone, as if it will resolve what kind of movie. Hellraiser has its share of frightening scenes, but the abundance of Gore makes it difficult to see. And suffer from such films as Ghost Portertoo absurd, fabricated explanations prepared for the supernatural. What I admire are movies that create a sense of horror with more subtlety and artistry. During the following films are not all completely horror "genre, all the topics dealing with terror. In alphabetical order, here are my top-13 will bring the spirit of Halloween did.

1 The Blair Witch Project – 1999, dir. Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sanchez. Testing, this modest, low budget film thatdo not need flashy effects, to create an atmosphere of fear. The story is like a documentation of real amateur submitted pictures in a forest after three students who disappear while searching for a famous local legend, like the Blair Witch. There are the characters, watching the movie from their point of view in the viewfinder, as it turned out, he draws us into its spell, and increases the peak cooling.

2 Carnival of Souls – 1962, dir. Herk Harvey. While on the road toassume a position as organist of the church, is a woman haunted by a strange phenomenon. He forces her to an abandoned pavilion on the lake, at the beginning of an incredible chain of events. Harvey's macabre masterpiece low budget, with its eerie organ score accordingly, has become a cult.

3 Donnie Darko – 2001, dir. Richard Kelly. Time travel, a man in an incredibly horrible bunny suit and a protagonist who may or may not be slipping into mental illness are the secret toThe core of this cult film, which covers science fiction and horror, but it is much more than the two genres. Jake Gyllenhaal to play Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager in suburban Virginia, the sense of seemingly disparate threads confusion and hallucinations experienced. Everything is then set the night before Halloween, when Donnie is forced to a decision that will change the future face, and his past.

4 The Exorcist – 1973, dir. William Friedkin. Even putting asidethe hype, this remains one of the best horror movie time. Ellen Burstyn plays a mother who is upset about the increasingly bizarre behavior of her daughter played (Linda Blair). Many no longer want the possibility that his daughter possessed by the devil to confess, but she finally agrees to bring in an exorcist. Minimalist music of Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield, which builds slowly and inevitably, as the film was not originally there in horror, becausebut may increase only a few bars of the theme, the hairs on the back of the neck.

5 The Haunting (original version) – 1963, dir. Robert Wise. This is the original film version of Shirley Jackson's novel, a paranormal investigator and his three companions, who meet in an old house known for its terrible past. Claire Bloom plays the mentally fragile Nell, who is gradually coming under the pernicious charm of the house. Despite some campy moments, not days wellthe film still manages to retain its power. Wise understand that terrorism is often in not revealing anything.

6 The Nightmare Before Christmas – 1993, dir. Wrote Henry Selick (Tim Burton s). In this inventive stop-action-fantasy, the leader of Halloween Town (as Jack Skellington, the king called the pumpkin patch) contributes to life in a celebration of Halloween repetitive abduction of Father Christmas and breathing imposed its spin dark Christmas. TheVisuals, engage, and the haunting music by Danny Elfman brings the right balance of humor and good spirits fright.

7 Onibaba – 1964, dir. Kaneto Shindo. These black-and-white Japanese horror film takes place during the 14th century, the civil wars that rocked the country and led to mass extinctions. A woman and her daughter-in-law survive by selling the armor of the warriors rebel recall two women to death. The element of the supernatural is thin,minimalist and the use of images, such as wind pampas grass under an overcast sky, or the demon Noh mask is masterful.

Another 8 – 2001, dir. Alejandro Amenábar. Nicole Kidman plays a nervous woman, escape to the English countryside with her two children, photophobia, during the Second World War, until the husband comes back from his forehead. This variation on the classic haunted house theme is done with the right touch of pathos and terror of the supernatural.

9.Phantom Of The Opera (Original Version) – 1925, dir. Rupert Julian. Lon Chaney appeared in the title role in this silent film of a form, disfigured composer who haunts the Paris Opera and falls in love with one of opera singers. E 'for Chaney's intentionally horrific, self-applied make-up known. Later remakes, including Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, are very weak compared to the power and the horror of the original.

10 PitchBlack – 2000, dir. David Twohy. And 'the facade of a science fiction films are, but the story is really one of our primal fears: the dark. A cargo ship crashes on a desolate planet, where only two to keep the planet in a day seemingly perpetual. The survivors discover a mysterious desert outpost is slowly realize that something terrible will be released when the planet depends on the darkness of a total eclipse of the Sun is on hold. Vin Diesel plays with the special view heldwho need to learn to trust, in order to survive the night. This film scared the pants off me.

11 Scary Movie 3-2003, dir. David Zucker. The horror genre ripe for parody, and the third episode of Scary Movie skewer not only films like The Ring and the others, but all was to Michael Jackson from American Idol. The scene then makes me laugh so hard it hurts.

12 Shutter (original version) – 2004, dir.Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom. A photographer and his girlfriend by chance on a young woman who appears out of nowhere on a dark road, then guiltily left the scene running. The dead woman begins to invade his life, first appears in photographs, and gradually to a physical presence. The last scene is disturbing image that will follow you long after the movie ends. Be sure to see the original Thai version, not the American remake.

13Silence of the Lambs – 1991, dir. Jonathan Demme. Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins to star in this thriller about an FBI agent who seeks the help of a psychiatrist convicted murderer on the trail of a serial killer. Instead of the supernatural is a reality that makes this movie so bad, but to solve our fear of the real-life monsters in our midst.

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 26, 2010 at 8:00 am

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Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story

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Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Review

Recommended for any true MJ fan. I wasn’t that impressed with the actor chosen to portray MJ, but he did a fairly good job. Some parts were obviously dramatized for effect and didn’t rely on “fact”, but it was still worth purchasing and watching.

Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Overview

Flex Alexander’s affecting performance in the lead role lifts Man in the Mirror, an account of the troubled, turbulent adult life of Michael Jackson. And a grim, melodramatic, and sometimes way over-the-top tale it is, as the film chronicles the litany of catastrophes visited on Jackson since Thriller turned him into the self-proclaimed King of Pop. It’s all here: the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ horrified reaction to the supposedly blasphemous “Thriller” video (a disclaimer was added at their behest); the filming of the Pepsi commercial during which Jackson’s hair caught on fire; the constant hectoring and bullying by his father, Joseph Jackson, and his subsequent alienation from his family; his many cosmetic surgeries; the debacle that was his marriage to Lisa Marie Presley; the controversial incident when he dangled his newborn son from his Berlin hotel room window; and, of course, the ongoing allegations of child molestation (to their credit, the filmmakers are fairly circumspect about the latter, neither condemning nor exonerating him). Through it all, Alexander plays Jackson as a true innocent, guileless and easily manipulated, wondering how the world can be so wicked (“What’s wrong with love?” is a frequent refrain), and yet essentially kind, likable, and devoted to his fans. Alexander has Jackson’s voice down, as well as some of his dance moves, and if Man in the Mirror contains no actual Jackson songs or realistic performance footage, well, that’s life in the low-budget world of made-for-TV movies (it originally aired in 2004 on VH-1). Man in the Mirror hardly qualifies as great art, but in the end, it’s nothing more, or less, than diverting, voyeuristic good fun. –Sam Graham

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 24, 2010 07:00:17

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 24, 2010 at 12:00 pm

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Collecting Barbie Doll Values – A value guide to find the value of your Barbie

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Image : http://www.flickr.com

When collecting Barbie, the doll in a value orientation for Barbie dolls can be used either material or immaterial, but in both cases we have a guide value for you. Like people always say … everything has its price. Perhaps you are wondering what the values of your Barbie doll or if you are ready to buy Barbie collectibles to your collection would have to pay the price at which you add? This requires a Barbie doll collector should always take with a value.

Collection of Barbie dolls, defined byof 8 steps that can be a lot of fun, but their values can be found as a collector, because you're not sure what the "right" price level has become frustrating. With a Barbie doll value guide, you can spend time searching for collectible Barbie dolls, to understand their history, and related articles such as doll houses, clothes, coloring books, games, etc., to help you find correct values for your dolls. During the search, you want to use different methods, such asInternet auctions, shopping and entertainment Collectors Guide to the base. In the experiment, the values of your Barbie, Barbie is necessary to collect the terminology and will guide you in the right direction to find some.

Some of the concepts that you need to know, while you're on your collectible Barbie doll collecting value guide:

HTF find difficult
MIB-mint in box (factory of dolls in Mint Condition)
MIP-mint-in-package (ie, all the accessories that are still) In the original package
MNB in excellent condition, but not in original box
NT (not interested) can mean excellent, and when speaking on the condition of Barbie Doll Collector
NRFB, never removed from the field
OSS has the original costume

If a collector tries to determine the value of its Barbie doll, here are some of the basic conditions that they see their value in guiding the collection:

Barbie Doll Book Value price for Barbie collector defined and notnot the price that you should get on a secondary market. This is an important cue to note when collecting Barbies.

Barbie market value is considered the actual price you expect that your collectible Barbie dolls to sell defined. There are many factors to consider as a doll collector, you will determine the online auction as a guide when using the values of Barbie collectibles.

Barbie Collector Dolls should the values of the items you collect, because they are basedyou. This is the point at which the values of your Barbie intangible, even if the value of Barbie collecting is not useful in the marketplace, the sentimental value makes it an added value for you!

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 23, 2010 at 7:00 pm

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Michael Jackson the Ultimate Collection MTV (32 DVD + 1cd ) Boxset

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Michael Jackson the Ultimate Collection MTV (32 DVD + 1cd ) Boxset Review

Michael Jackson the Ultimate Collection MTV (32 DVD + 1cd ) Boxset Feature

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Michael Jackson the Ultimate Collection MTV (32 DVD + 1cd ) Boxset Overview

Product DescriptionDISC 1-7MICHAEL JACKSON THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION MTVDISC 81972 Jackson 5 Paris France concert1975 Jackson 5 Mexico concert1979 Jackson 5 London U.K. destiny concert1981 Jackson 5 triumph concertJackson 5 destiny concert featureDISC 91987 Brisbane Australia BAD concertDISC 101987 Yokohama Japan BAD concertDISC 111988 U.S.A. BAD concertDISC 121992 Live.In.Bucharest:Dangerous.TourDISC 131993 Live.In.Israel:Dangerous.Tour1993 Live.In.Tokyo Japan:Dangerous.TourMichael Jackson Dangerous.Tour featureDISC 141996 Live.In.Sydney Australia:History.TourDISC 151996 Live.In.Manila Filipine:History.TourDISC 16-171996 Live.In.Seou Korea:History.TourDISC 181996 Live.In.Roumania:History.TourDISC 191997 Live.In.New Zealand:History.TourDISC 201997 Live.In.Finland:History.TourDISC 211997 Live.In.Sweden:History.TourDISC 221997 Live.In.Copenhagen:History.TourDISC 231998 Live.In.Kuala Lumpur:History.TourDISC 241999 Live.In.Taipei:History.report1999 Live.In.Korea:almsdeed.TourDISC 251997 Live.In.Munich:History.TourDISC 26THE ONE-CHinese subtitleThe 30th anniversary vocal concertDISC 27Bad tour unleashed volumeBad tour unleashed volumeDISC 28 TOUR 1988Bad Tour 88DISC 29The Feature Of StrangerStranger in MoscowCaptain EODISC 30MICHAEL JACKSON` MJ rise and declineThe giant star of MICHAEL JACKSON come downDISC 31private home movies the king of pop up close & personalDISC 32MoonwalkerDISC 331979-2008, the first recorded 97 songs

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 23, 2010 04:00:11

Michael Jackson King of pop DVD Ebaydigg Movies Loves

Written by michaeljacksondvdcd

March 23, 2010 at 9:00 am